My new book, Glen of the Lapwing, was published in July 2019. 152 pages, 31 x 25cms, most in full colour featuring the wide variety of wildlife found on Glenquaich Estate.
Glenquaich Estate, in Highland Perthshire, is a family run shooting and farming enterprise sympathetically managed for the wide variety of wildlife found there. Over the past few years I have recorded 111 species of bird during my fieldwork for the book. The lower farmland and rough grazing support a large population of breeding waders. The lapwing is by far the most numerous with over 137 breeding pairs. They are the real star of the book following their breeding cycle through the spring and summer months.
Glen of the Lapwing follows the yearly cycle of wildlife, through paintings and drawings, from wintering whooper swans on an ice-clad lochan. Mountain hares in their white winter coat amongst the heather. Golden and white-tailed eagles soaring over the high moorland, hunting the mountain hares. Blackcock displaying at their spring lek, lyre tails spread accentuated by white ‘powder-puff’ of under-tail coverts, jousting to impress visiting females. The struggle of newly hatched lapwing chicks trying to survive hail showers and a heavy fall of snow. Short-eared owls with large broods, benefiting from a peak in vole numbers. Numerous brown hares feeding and resting in the fields, taking advantage of turnips spread out to feed the sheep. Beautifully patterned snipe chicks feeding in the marshes. Tiny mountain hare leverets and red deer calves hidden amongst the heather on the hill. Through to the autumn with black grouse feasting on a heavy rowan berry crop and the roaring of red deer stags competing in their annual rut. Just a small sample illustrating the rich variety of wildlife found on the estate.

Signed books are available direct from Keith Brockie at my gallery for £25, or by post to the UK @£32 inc P & P, to Europe@ £36 inc P & P, elsewhere @£45 inc P & P.
10 card designs featuring wildlife from the book are available as well @ £2.50 per card or £20 for a set of 10 plus P & P.
To order please call Tel: 01887 830609 - Mob: 07751 061639
or email kbrockie@btinternet.com
Card and bank transfer payments can be made.